Nest Labs

Elevate the digital experience to match Nest’s sophisticated product experience.

Real Savings Webpage
Nest wanted to push the idea of savings with the Nest Thermostat and showing real proof so we designed this page to carry that idea forward. Live page

Nest Home Report
A series of illustrations and email modules made for Nest Home Report which consists of the Safety Report for Nest Protect, and Energy Report for the Nest Thermostat. These illustrations were used as email headers to show the amount of energy saved or an interesting fact about fire safety.

Savings Calculator
As an effort to promote the thermostat, Nest wanted to show its potential consumers how much they could save on their electricity bill by owning a Nest, so they came up with the Nest Saving Calculator. The calculator works in two parts: A general calculator and a calculator with a specific energy provider.

The challenge was to design a web page that would walk the user through the process and display the final result. I worked on the UI, information architecture, and visual design.

Brand Designer / Zainab Rupawalla

Creative Director / Craig Williamson


Octave Bioscience


All Clear — COVID-19 Health Passport App